Theme 3

Example (direct quotations)

Post-intervention: Increased engagement with cultural out-groups and its correlation with digital war


Increased engagement in ICC

I become friendlier with people who come from different cultures. I like to talk to them online, and I do not get offended so easily (cycle one student).


Increased confidence

I did not want to talk in class, but now I see that I can say things if other people can say them (cycle two student).

After I took the intercultural communication course, I know how to deal with people from different cultures and how to deal with digital threats and issues confidently (cycle two student).


Increased ICC and the understanding of digital war comfort level

Students said they had gained ICC awareness and comfort through learning about “facial micro expressions and how the features of the face change”, “eye-contact and facial expression”, and “using less words and use more nonverbal communication”. (cycle one)

“After I took the intercultural communication course, I know how to deal with people from different cultures and how to deal with digital bullying and problems comfortably”. (cycle two)


Increased nonverbal ICC competence

The course helped me to understand the facial expressions of people from other cultures and helped me communicating with them (cycle one student).

Summary Analysis of Theme 3

Ÿ Students reported an increased willingness and ability to engage with cultural out-groups positively and non-judgmentally.

Ÿ A number of students noted being offended less often than before.

Ÿ Students were more confident in ICC and in understanding digital war situations.

Ÿ Students’ own use of nonverbal communication in ICC situations had improved.

Ÿ Students noted that their ability to interpret verbal and nonverbal communication had improved.

Ÿ This willingness stemmed from a greater confidence in ICC competence.

Ÿ The level of the students’ awareness and understanding of digital war has improved.