
TwitterEvent object


a list of the types of Tweets and users you want to collect, options are: [Core, CoreTimeline, Echos, EchosTimeline, Influences, InfluencesTimeline]. If left as an empty list, all will be evaluated. In order to run the Timeline versions, all activities are checked to make sure they have the base version. For Echos and Influences it checks that a core exists. Everything but the Core can restart after being interrupted with minimal redundancy.


Number of tweets to attempt to pull in each query, must be an integer between 1 and 500.

tweets_per _file

Number of tweets to save per file before beginning a new file.


A list of tweetfields the researcher would like more information on, taken from https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/expansions, options are:

author_id, referenced_tweets.id, in_reply_to_user_id, attachments.media_keys, attachments.poll_ids, geo.place_id, entities.mentions.username, referenced_tweets. id.author_id


A list of values within each tweet to be returned from each call are taken from https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/data-dictionary/object-model/tweet:

id (default), text (default), attachments, author_id, context_annotations, conversation_id, created_at, entities, geo, in_reply_to_user_id, lang, non_public_metrics, organic_metrics, possibly_sensitive, promoted_metrics, public_metrics, referenced_tweets, reply_settings, source, withheld)