



Economic protocol in energy consumption thanks to periodic sequences “asleep”.

- Periods “asleep” and “active” are predefined in advance, which limit the effectiveness of the algorithm

- The type of data packets “Broadcast” uses neither RTS or CTS which increases the probability of collision in this kind of transmission.

- Problem of “early sleeping”: The node sleeps before receiving the data intended for it.

- The waiting time becomes important. In addition, it builds up every time we pass from a jump to another.

Time Out-MAC

- Economic protocol energy consumption thanks to the periodic sequences “asleep”.

- Periods “asleep” and “active” are determined according to the traffic:

TimeOut-MAC adjusts its energy consumption in the context of a variable traffic, thanks to Time-Out Timer (RT).

≥Traffic transitions.

Problem of “sleeping early.”


- The dynamic adjustment of the preamble length (so that it is as small as possible) allows savings in energy consumption.

- The use of “Wake-up” of preamble will consume energy (Overhead) either at the transmitter level or the receiver level while the data transfer has not yet started.



- Protocol based on TDMA.

≥Low collision probability.

- During the random choice of the time slot, there is a chance that two or more nodes choose the same slot. At that time, they must remove their first choice and reselect the second time which consumes more energy.

- Nodes must always be listening during sections of controls.


- Protocol based on TDMA.

≥Low collision probability.

- Nodes that are not transmitting or receiving data will close their “radio” and enter “sleep” mode.

≥No period of passive listening ≥ energy saving.

- For each time slot, the node calculates the priorities of its neighboring nodes situated until the second jump.

≥ High internal processing at the sensor ≥ high energy consumption.

MAC protocol of IEEE 802.15.4

For the case of small WSN, the power consumption is reduced while retaining a good transmission capacity.

Energy management is performed, in a centralized manner (the coordinator manages the energy consumption of all nodes), unlike the MAC protocols described above where power management is conducted in a manner distributed at each node level.