Sensory experience

Temperature is suitable, activating shopping experience

Cleanliness and good condition stimulates shopping experience

Lighting is motivating, making shopping experience pleasant

Color of walls and floor provide a shopping experience in a pleasant environment

Music (tempo, volume and type) provides a very pleasant shopping experience

Smells provides a very pleasant shopping experience

Intellectual experience (through design)

Design (furniture, decor and equipment) stimulates curiosity

Sections design stimulates shopping experience and interacting with the product

Communication materials (display) stimulates imagination, thought and creativity consumer

Store layout stimulates curiosity

Shop-window offers an attractive presentation (suggestive, artistic, creative)

Store has a pleasant entry (spacious and inviting)

Outside of store design invites you to enter

Intellectual experience (with employees)

Employees are always willing to help (provide information, support to decision-making) and answer all questions

Employees have great knowledge of what they sell and the experiences that the products provide

There are enough employees to offer personalized service and explain the experiences provided by the use of products

Payment for items purchased is fast avoiding negative experiences

Social experience

Shopping at this store give me the opportunity to experience feeling of status (interact with other customers)

Shopping at this store allows me to get information and experiences on trends consistent with my attitudes and lifestyles

Go to this store allows me to spend a pleasant time with my family/friends

Pragmatic experience

Brands offered are known and good quality

Product assortment is sufficient to meet my needs

Periodically updates its assortment incorporating the latest product version

In this store I get quality products at a good price

Compared with other competitors this store offers the best price-quality

This store offers a variety of services (warranty, product returns, home delivery, packaging for a gift) with good prices

It offers better promotions than competition

Consumer information about promotions is very suitable

Always have stock of products on promotion

In promotional periods product quality is maintained

Emotional experience (intensity of emotions)

Happy (joyful, contented)



Animated (encouraged)

