Nursing problems

Number of respondents

Respiratory complications

Risk of postoperative respiratory complications

State of breathing seems poor after surgery

Aggravation of the breathing state

High-risk respiratory complication

Risk of respiratory complication

Ineffective airway clearance (4)

Risk of pulmonary complication

Risk, postoperative breathing state

Complications after surgery: pneumonia


There is a large quantity of sputum after surgery, probably because patient was a smoker. Probable atelectasis of right inferior lobe

Ineffective airway clearance; patient cannot expectorate the sputum on own

Oxygenicity is poor

Postoperative wound pain

Wound pain control is insufficient

Pain control seems to be difficult after discontinuing PCA

Wound pain after surgery

Postoperative wound pain

Possible poor pain control

Acute pain (2)

Acute pain of wound after surgery

Pain control is insufficient

Wound pain


Wound pain, pain from drains

Wound pain, pain from drains

Acute pain from a wound

Postoperative pain


Anxiety about first hospitalization and operation


Anxiety about operation (3)

Anxiety about healing process after surgery

Anxiety about operation and future

Anxiety about convalescence

There is postoperative anxiety after operation for cancer

Anxiety about post-operation