Item (number)


Curricular adaptations are purely bureaucratic processes. They are useless (21)


Educational support is organized to respond to students’ needs (26)


The attention to diversity has been considered when the Educational Plan of the Center has been developed (27)


Optional subjects available respond to students’ educational needs (23)


Measures of attention to diversity have been taken into account when the Tutorial Action Plan has been developed (28)


When a student repeats a school year I apply complementary educational measures (30)


An increase of the education budget would be necessary to allow the functioning of the attention to diversity (44)


The resources to address the attention to diversity could be applied to improve the overall quality of education (52)


Adaptations are not good because SEN students do not do the same things as the other students. They feel discriminated (56)


The optional subjects chosen by the student contribute to the attention to diversity (25)
