Kennedy et al. [63]

Year: 2013

Country: Vanuatu

Type of study: Descriptive qualitative Study

Participants: adolescents, policy makers and service providers)

Number: 341

Male: 169

Female: 172

Age: 15 - 19 years

Data collection tools: Focus group discussion, semi-structured interview

Sampling methods: Purposive sample

Place: Community-based


・ Age


Han, [64]

Year: 2009

Country: United States

Type of study: Descriptive study

Participants: Gay, bisexual and queer Asian Pacific Islander men

Number: 15

Male: 15

Age: 18 to 50+ years

Data collection tools: Focus group discussion, in-depth interview

Sampling methods: Convenience sampling

Place: Community-based


・ Gender

・ Ethnicity


DiStefano et al. [65]

Year: 2012

Country: United States

Type of study: Descriptive qualitative study

Participants: Young adults, children, community leaders, health providers

Number: 95

Female: Unknown

Male: Unknown

Age: 11 - 29 years

Data collection: Focus group discussion, interviews

Sampling methods: Purposive sampling

Place: Community-based


・ Age


Linh et al. [66]

Year: 2015

Country: Vietnam

Type of study: Case study design

Participants: Government, academia, hospitals and civil society

Number: 20

Female: Unknown

Male: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Data collection: In-depth interview

Sampling methods: Snowball sampling

Place: Population-based


・ Ethnicity


Wilson and Yoshikawa, [67]


Country: United States

Type of study: Descriptive study

Participants: Asian and Pacific Islander gay men

Number: 23

Male: 23

Age: 23 - 46 years

Mean age: 32 years

Data collection: In-depth interview, observation

Sampling method: Purposive sampling

Place: Community-based


・ Gender (experiences & responses discrimination)


Smith et al. [68]

Year: 2003

Country: Brunei, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, PNG, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam

Type of study: Descriptive study

Participants: Adult population with HIV

Number: 150

Male: Unknown

Female: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Data collection: Questionnaires, interview

Sampling method: Snowball sample

Place: Population-based

Determinants (services)

・ Ethnicity

・ Sexual practices

・ Education


Reidpath and Chan, [69]

Year: 2005

Country: China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam

Type of study: Descriptive study

Participants: 6 countries

Number: Unknown

Male: Unknown

Female: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Data collection: Interview, focus group discussion

Sampling method: Convenience sample

Place: Population-based


・ Culture (interpersonal interaction (practice)


Nemoto et al. [70]

Year: 2003

Country: United States

Type of study: Descriptive study

Participants: Young adults MSM Number: 38

Male: 38

Age: 18 - 50 [average age―39.4 years]

Data collection: Focus group discussion

Sampling method: Convenience sample

Place: Community-based

Determinants (risk behaviour)

・ Gender

・ Psychological

・ Social

・ Cultural

Risk factors

・ Psychosocial risk

・ Behavioural risk