Question A':

Τhe percentage of teachers’ satisfaction with the use (integration and implementation) of I.C.T. before and after COVID-19 (Table 1)

Question B':

Τhe percentage of teachers’ satisfaction with the educational success of I.C.T.s’ tools before and after COVID-19 (Table 2)

8.8% regularly used the online classroom (Var20) compared to 20% after COVID-19

15% regularly used the online classroom (Var20) compared to 26% after COVID-19

23.8% indicated that they created several courses on an online platform such as: MOODLE, E-CLASS, EDMONDO (Var21) compared to 40% after COVID-19

30% indicated that they created several courses on an online platform such as: MOODLE, E-CLASS, EDMONDO (Var21) compared to 50% after COVID-19