


´ Strengthen trust and social ties with stakeholders.

´ Foster permanent dialogue with all parties of the local ecosystem.

´ Involve and integrate stakeholders and enhance all synergies.

´ Involve youth in setting goal and decision-making.


´ Maintain close ties with young people and stay tuned with their needs.

´ Ensure an ever-growing and balanced coverage of the territory.

´ Establish an adapted territorial approach of partnership and co-construction.

´ Conduct regular analysis of the territorial impact.


´ Strengthen capacities & suitable staff, train mentors, and help build & develop skills.

´ Create an integrated agile platform for listening, guiding, and coordinating.

´ Build & reinforce territorial anchoring and a strong, continuous dynamic through innovative restructuring.


´ Develop an innovative & value-added service offer with focus on social dimension, allowing socially fragile recipients to integrate it via social entrepreneurship.

´ Consider all specific targets of the young population: people with disabilities, young girls, orphans, as well as former inmates.

´ Develop flexible trainings in terms of content & length to suit specific needs & profiles.


´ Nurture stakeholder interest.

´ Encourage reconciliation between the various components of society.

´ Develop an image that reflects reality objectively.

´ Develop projects and programs within the framework of partnerships.

´ Improve the coordination and complementarity of actors.

´ Merge resources to achieve common objectives, such as territorial innovation.