Finding mentors

´ Absence of mentoring structures. Only entrepreneurs are willing to provide help to other startups.

´ Urgent need for mentoring in specific areas such as accounting, legal and HR.

´ Other lacking areas are time & work management, self-confidence, resilience, etc.

´ Organizations often approach unsuited mentors for their needs & purposes.

´ Incubators & coworking spaces could offer mentoring services to startups.

´ People who can be good mentors have not yet been approached by the right organizations.

Finding incubators

´ Absence of business-oriented incubators in Morocco.

´ Only impact/social oriented incubators are available, thus lacking in means to help startups with their business.

´ Hub: insufficient information about the spaces where entrepreneurs could have a safe space to discuss their projects.

Coaching & guidance

´ Entrepreneurs lack an adapted support system, where they would get the right advice needed to take their business to the next level (advice, investment, networking, moral support).