Access to finance

´ Young people lack funds & connections that could help start businesses.

´ Older entrepreneurs have commitments that prevent them from taking any risk.

´ Administrative slowness characterizing access to funding prevent startups from benefiting of opportunities (Maroc Numeric Fund).

´ Institutional funding’s aversion to risk & errors results in unrealistic requirements for startups (ex: detailed full year expenses).

´ Profiles of members of the boards (ex: bankers) granting funds to startups do not match with the “enterprising mentality”, resulting in decisions unsuited.

´ In addition to offering loans on trust, Réseau Entreprendre also arranges follow-ups (monthly meetings over 3 years with a mentor) as well as access to its network.

Access to information

´ While there are opportunities (ex: calls for applications, initiatives, competitions) for seed funding in Morocco, information is scattered & unorganized.

´ There is a real need for dedicated platform where all the available opportunities are advertised by the relevant parties.