



Territory on Stakeholder

Stakeholder on Territory

OCP Group

} National MNE

} Major phosphates & fertilizers supplier

} 1st investor/sponsor in the territory

} Important network of suppliers

} Value sharing

} Social & environmental standards

} Local business environment

} Mine & soils

} Labor force

} Business

} Revenues

} Jobs

} Attractiveness


} Proximity

} Rural anchorage

} Social inclusion

} Youth Platforms

} Little economic prospect

} Low management ratio

} Sourcing

} Partnership

} Better field knowledge

} Access to information


} Proximity

} Business Creation

} Investment Promotion

} Low capacity: small branch with 3 employees

} Lack of a one-stop shop

} Administrative bureaucracy & slow processing

} Sourcing

} Promotion of attractiveness

} Authorization & facilitation

} Business intelligence


} Training & competencies (9300 trainees, 3800 graduates yearly)

} Proximity

} Lack of market opportunities

} Follow-up of graduates

} Low practical qualification

} Direct/indirect recruitment, internships & support

} Supply of qualified HR


} Coaching & mentoring of young entrepreneurs

} Entrepreneurial support ecosystem

} Lively entrepreneurial scene

} Development of an entrepreneurial culture

} Problem of autonomy & fundraising

} Lack of communication on the activity, coordination, & visibility

} Partnership & funding

} MNE Hosting

} Creation of positive dynamics

} Improvement of the Group’s territorial image


} Communication & visibility (Promotion of territory activities)

} Insufficient & inaccurate local communication

} Source of information of territory figures & data

} Branding


} Wealth and employment creation

} Investment

} Success-stories

} Challenging development phase

} Insufficient support for existing VSEs

} Lack of networking

} Funding & support KSC/foundation & partners

} Creation of cash flow

} Job creation

} Animation of the city (fairs etc.)


& subcontractors

} Creation of jobs & wealth

} Proximity

} Knowledge of premises & mastery of the environment

} Lack of expertise/standards

} Unqualified workforce

} Weak organization/structure

} Total dependence on MNE

} Lack of ambition

} Weak integration of the value chain at the level of the industrial ecosystem

} Markets MNE expertise & references

} Short-term vision (Small Spot Markets, lack of stability)

} Lack of commitment from subcontractors

} Loss of quality & service


} Immediate workforce

} Source of information

} Demands (land, prices, environment, nuisances, etc.)

} Difficult population to hire

} Security/Safety issues

} High dissatisfaction rate (given basic needs)

} Development of new activities

} Job creation

} Safety/Security

} Image territory

MNE collaborators

} Skills/expertise

} Training collaborators

} Low contribution & participation in social activities & volunteering

} Social component

} Training

} Tangible impact

} Lever for business development & prosperity


} Expertise & know-how

} Discipline & seriousness (Corporate Values)

} Active potential, proximity & availability

} Potential trainer

} Multigenerational job demands

} Problem of well-being after retirement (time management)

} Weak entrepreneurial spirit

} Lack of support after retirement & low social contribution

} Lack of preparation for retirement

} Social Benefits (Medical coverage, grants agreements, accessibility to MNE infrastructures)

} Stability (retired homeowners)

Impact (+ et −):

} Image territory

} Purchase of benefits from pensioners

} Loss of know-how & expertise