
Response Grade


Air travel

Not Acceptable


ACOG states, “Most commercial airlines allow pregnant women to fly up to 36 weeks of gestation [13] .” ChatGPT failed to mention this restriction.



Both ACOG and ChatGPT strongly recommend against the use of alcohol [19] .



Consistent with ACOG and provides a dose-limited recommendation along with various sources of caffeine [20] .

Deli Meat


Consistent with ACOG recommendations on Listeria and proper food safety guidelines [21] .

Hair Dye


Consistent with ACOG expert opinion on dying hair [22] .

Laser Hair Removal

Not Acceptable


ChatGPT fails to consider the following evidence from a systematic review from 2019. “The available evidence, limited to low evidence-level case reports and series, indicates cutaneous laser treatment during pregnancy is safe for both mother and fetus [14] .”

Marijuana Use


ACOG and ChatGPT both recommend against marijuana use, while acknowledging potential risks and uncertainty of current evidence [23] .


Not Acceptable


ChatGPT incorrectly states that women can eat sushi during pregnancy. According to ACOG, “although not mentioned in the revised 2017 advice, it is important that pregnant women avoid all raw and undercooked seafood, eggs, and meat [15] .”


Not Acceptable


ChatGPT fails to mention the CDC’s advisory statement regarding vaping in pregnancy.

“Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an advisory notice investigating a multistate outbreak of noninfectious severe pulmonary disease associated with e-cigarette and vaping product use. With the recent CDC advisory and the effects of e-cigarette and vaping product use on offspring health, immediate discontinuation of e-cigarette and vaping products should be advised among all pregnant and postpartum women [16] .”


Not Acceptable


ChatGPT does not include prospective data from a study published in 2015. Twenty-six yoga positions in healthy pregnant women in their third trimester were evaluated. Maternal and fetal status were evaluated during the yoga session. There were no adverse changes in maternal and fetal well-being during the session [17] .

Hot Tub


Consistent with ACOG and AAP, ChatGPT cautions regarding hot tub exposure and ways to reduce risk of harmful fetal effects [24] .

Sleep Position

Not Acceptable


ChatGPT does not include information from a prospective study on maternal sleeping position published in 2019 which concluded “supine or non-left sided sleep through 30 weeks gestation was not associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes linked to decreased placental blood flow in a large prospective cohort [18] .”