Home score#

2 (#, %)

89 (50%)

27 (15%)

3 (#, %)

72 (41%)

20 (11%)

4 (#, %)

8 (4.5%)

92 (52%)

5 (#, %)

8 (4.5%)

37 (21%)

Total (%)

177 (100%)

176 (100%)

Residence setting at parity of OF

Village (#, %)

144 (82%)

46 (26%)

Town (#, %)

32 (18%)

129 (74%)


176 (100%)

175 (100%)

Distance (Km) to delivery site


3 (1.8%)

58 (34%)

1 - 2

13 (7.80)

89 (52)

1 - 5

30 (18.0)

129 (75)

1 - 143

137 (82)

166 (97)

1 - 149

149 (89)

167 (98)


18 (11)

4 (2.3)

Physical and Obstetric attributes

Height (cm)+

151, 136 - 155 (134 - 171)

155, 151 - 158 (134 - 169)

Weight (Kg)+

48, 42 - 52 (29 - 69)

56, 50 - 61 (42 - 86)

Gravida at enrollment+

3, 2 - 6 (1 - 15)

4, 4 - 6, (1 - 16)

Para at enrollment+

2, 1 - 6 (1, 15)

4, 2 - 6 (1 - 15)

Living children at enrollment+

0, 0 - 2, (0 - 9)

2, 2 - 4 (0, 14)

Duration of labor at parity of OF (hrs)+

82, 60 - 108 (24, 576)

12, 7 - 24 (0 - 96)

Route of delivery with parity of OF: Number (%)


129 (73%)

145 (84%)


47 (27%)

27 (16%)


176 (100%)

172 (100%)

Highest training level of birth attendant: Number (%)

Family and/or friend

10 (5.7%)

2 (1.1%)

Traditional birth attendant

46 (26%)

19 (11%)

Physician, midwife or maternity nurse

118 (68%)

156 (88%)


174 (100%)

177 (100%)

Place of delivery: Number (%)


66 (38%)

66 (37%)

Maternity or health center

64 (36%)

71 (40%)


46 (26%)

40 (23%)


176 (100%)

177 (100%)