Mobile methods



Mobile methods#6: Mobile technologies

· Tracking the pedestrians’ movement using “Road Tripper” application

· Real-time mapping capability in tracking movement

· The application could also track car and bicycle movement within urban spaces

· Could easily convert the tracked map into JPEG file and upload on social media

· Map used in the application not accurate but useable.

Mobile methods#3: Mobile video ethnography

“Anticipatory following” video documentation

Documenting real-time movement of pedestrian

· The recorded video are not in good quality especially the ones that were recorded while moving

· The outcome of recorded videos are portrait orientation which limited the view of the background environment

Mobile methods#4: Time-space diaries

Using Penultimate and Skitch for note-taking

Capability of taking notes similar to paper-pen methods but with added valued of embedded photos while writing the notes in real-time

The application only used for researcher’s note taking but not for respondents

Mobile methods#10: Mobile place

Interview conducted in different setting

Making unfamiliar familiar when the interviewees were asked to looked at the signs from different angle of viewpoint instead of on the street

The EAT location is a café and therefore decrease the participations from the customers