Hello! Thank you for calling our customer service line today. My name is Karen and I’ll be assisting you with your inquiry. Can you please provide me with your name, address, phone number, email, date of birth, gender, social security number, credit card information, and the reason for your call?

Yesenia Ellis: Hi Karen! My name is Yesenia Ellis, and I’m calling about a billing issue with my recent purchase. Can you please have me speak to someone who can help me resolve this issue? My address is 6416 Melendez Ranch in Port Michael, VI 46142, phone number is +12025550124, email is twalsh@yahoo.com, date of birth is July 17th, 1985, and my gender is female. My social security number is 137-81-1939, and the credit card information is 4498929020955558.

Karen: Thank you for providing all that information, Yesenia. I apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced with your recent purchase. Can you please tell me more about the billing issue you’re facing?

Yesenia Ellis: Sure! It’s like this…I received my statement yesterday, and there was a charge on it that I didn’t make. The amount is $123.45, and it says “Additional Shipping Charges” as the reason for the charge. But I never received any additional shipping charges, and I’m wondering if it’s a scam or something? Can you please help me figure out what’s going on?

Karen: I see. Let me take a look into this for you. May I have your purchase order number or the email receipt of your purchase, Yesenia? That will help me investigate this further for you.

Yesenia Ellis: Sure! It’s ORD-1234567890, if that helps. And the email receipt is just like normal - you know, the one with the purchase order number and all. It was sent to my email twalsh@yahoo.com on March 2nd at around 3 pm.

Karen: Thank you for providing that information, Yesenia. I’m going to check into this for you. Let me just pull up your purchase order number…Okay, I see here that there was an additional shipping charge of $123.45 charged to your order. It looks like this charge is being processed by our third-party vendor, and they have not yet received payment in full.