


Factor 1: Listening, Sympathy, and acceptance (α = .94)

Sympathizing with my feelings by being injuries

Understanding worries and pains caused by injuries

Listening to worries and pains caused by injuries

Encouraging me when I am depressed

Listening to my worries and pains caused by being injured

Considering worries and anxieties

Providing consultations on worries and pains caused by injuries

Factor 2: Offer of Advice about Rehabilitation and Information Provision (α = .91)

Making a regular assessment of the effects of rehabilitation

Concretely indicating causes of the injury and how to comeback

Providing consultation for coming back, such as making rehabilitation plans

Giving information about hospitals and rehabilitation facilities depending on the injury

Giving information useful for coming back, such as rehabilitation methods

Concretely indicating the state of the injury and treatments

Giving advice for recovery and comeback

Factor 3: Social Approval and Acceptance (α = .92)

Supporting me who was injured

Making me feel the significance and necessity of having rehabilitation

Sending messages saying that I am a teammate playing together

Offering words that make me motivated

Considering me in a casual manner

Talking to me as usual even when I am injured

Sending messages saying that I am necessary for the team

Thinking, so that I can easily go to the practice place or game venues

Correlation coefficient F1








































































