
subject of the investigation speeches

To do         

G170: Have established goals/goals with clarity and professional focus.

G172: Feedbacks.

Do179-1: I think there is a charge and pressure on the role of the educator, but little return on how excellent our work is.

Do185: More feedback on teacher performance/dedication.

Do202: Eliminate meetings at the end of the 3rd tri.

F176-1: I believe that accompanying the teacher, the employee with devolutive of his performance in the work, and reassures him so that the environment in the institution is in harmony and that the well-being prevails, and in the

certainty that our paper is Being fulfilled properly.

Di68: Praise those who deserve and help those in need.

Di90: Valuing each student, the will to learn and help others in the school spaces.


G220: Formations that work, develop self-esteem, the charism of the institution.

Do178: Training meetings between different levels of education: Children’s Education―EF I―EF II and ME.

Do191: Lectures with renowned “thinkers”.

Do200: Group activities such as outings, outings, fun, more often.

Do215: Labor Gymnastics for teachers.

F175: Training moments in your area.

F176-2: Through these devolutive, yes, training initiatives.

Di38: I believe that there should be more initiatives to bring together students and teachers, besides being offered more teaching (lectures, courses) that would help in our future.

Di111: More lectures, vocational guidance, annual opinion surveys such as this questionnaire to assess the conduct of the college and other sectors.

Di 135: Greater investment in sports teams and in different ways of teaching.


Do179-2: It seems to me that the importance of the educator feels valued in his work space. I think it is very important to value the professional within the institution, from the salary to the way one is heard within it (his desires, aspirations, needs, discomforts, dislikes, …).

Do195: Personal, professional and financial valuation.

Do198: Valorization by the human being before the valuation by the professional. Provide the professional with more time to enjoy other goods (spiritual, with nature, family life, leisure), since there is a great delivery of the education professional.

Do204: To maintain the well-being in our institution, I believe that we must always believe and value the professional that is part of it, stimulating it in a positive way for its growth in all aspects, whether professional or spiritual.

Di34: I believe that the school needs more stability in relation to the exchange of professionals, that interferes a lot in the learning.

Espírito de grupo

Do177: Harmony between people aiming at collective well-being and not individuality.

Do192: I believe that all actions promoted aim at well-being, sometimes I feel resistance from colleagues who are

interested in criticizing without presenting solutions.

Do211: All aim for well-being, but I perceive colleagues only criticizing without presenting solutions.

Di30: Closer approach to staff with students.

Di87: Respect, the fundamental basis of any relationship.

Di127: Encouragement of respect and understanding among students/teachers/staff.

Di109: More union with one another.


Do213: Sectors could listen more to employees and not wait for employees to look for them.

F219: Improve internal communication through electronic tools (e-mail―sms).