


Private. Not pertaining to any religion. Infant, Primary and Middle School Education (1st to 8th grade). Has a well-defined teaching concept,* based on Piagetian studies. Does not use handouts and textbooks. Located in the town of Itapira/SP.


Public. Municipal. Not pertaining to any religion. Infant and Primary School Education (1st to 4th grade). Does not have a well-defined teaching concept. Uses textbooks. Located on the outskirts of the town of Guarapuava/PR.


Public. State-level. Not pertaining to any religion. Middle School Education (5th to 8th grade). Does not have a well-defined teaching concept. Uses textbooks. Located in the town of Guarapuava/PR.


Private. Not pertaining to any religion. Infant, Primary and Middle School Education (1st to 8th grade) and Sixth Form (1st to 3rd grade). Does not have a well-defined teaching concept. Uses textbooks. Located in the town of Guarapuava/PR.


Private. Pertaining to a religion―Roman Catholic. Infant, Primary and Middle School Education (1st to 8th grade) and Sixth Form (1st to 3rd grade). Does not have a well-defined teaching concept. Uses textbooks. Located in the town of Guarapuava/PR.