






Teach Ability

Important words: nouns and verbs


Examination words


New words


Difficult words


Not familiar


Words based on themes


Words based on topics


Vocabulary based on verbal communication in or outside school



Repeated in the life of a student


Repeated in learning texts


Repeated words


Based on students’ experiences learning such vocabulary


Repeated in the examination


familiar or close to the students


Often encountered


Related to topics familiar to students


Often repeated in daily life


Varieties based on topics or outside the topics such as the usage of “lughatulfasli” for communication with the teacher in school and inside the class.


Refer to concrete meanings


Have meanings easy to be explained


Contain obvious meanings


Be made up of easy words


Be appropriate with the students’ level


Be limited in number



Based on students’ real lives


New, essential vocabulary related to topic


Related to Malay word: تعارف (taa’ruf)


Frequency and repetition as in the learning text


The ease in explaining its meaning:

الأم - عائلتي - زميلي


Abstract words: يعلّم ? خير


A situation closely related to students’ lives but rarely used; الكعك


New words; بطاقة - الميلادعيد - حلوةسنة - كلعاموأنتمبالخير


Words for general situation like birthday greeting;

عيدالميلادسعيد - سنةحلوة



Learning aspect (social): Theme-based criterion
