

Frequency (%)

Do you feel that everyone


258 (93.8)

should perform HCT (n = 275)


17 (6.2)

*Why do you feel that everyone should perform HCT (n = 258)

To know status of self

153 (59.3)

For early detection and treatment commencement

128 (49.6)

Increase knowledge of HIV/AIDS

106 (41.1)

Help improve acceptance of people living with HIV/AIDS

72 (27.9)

Not sure

9 (3.5)

What singular reason will make you feel like not testing for HIV (n = 298)

The likelihood that I am not exposed

109 (36.5)

Lack of interest in knowing status

75 (25.2)

Not knowing where to do HCT

69 (23.2)

Fear of testing positive

36 (12.1)

Not sure

9 (3.0)

Do you feel you would change lifestyle after receiving HCT (n = 275)


90 (32.7)


86 (31.3)

Not sure

99 (36.0)

*What do you feel should be done if you are found to be HIV positive (n=298)

Should seek medical treatment and avoid infecting others

196 (65.8)

Should take No action

101 (33.9)

Should seek spiritual care

51 (17.1)

Should indulge in smoking, alcohol or commit suicide

18 (6.0)

Should go about infecting others

13 (4.4)