Site characteristics


Oak Park, Carlow


52˚86'N - 6˚54'W

Mean annual air temperature (˚C)


Mean annual precipitation (mm)


Land use history

Cereals (15 years), croplands (50 years), received 140 - 160 kg∙N∙ha1

in 2003 and the year before. Spring barley since 2000.

Soil type (FAO/Irish GSG)

Euteric Cambisol/Grey Brown Podzolics

Soil texture: 0 - 10/0 - 25 cm

Sandy loam

Clay (%): 0 - 10/0 - 25 cm


Silt (%): 0 - 10/0 - 25 cm


Sand (%): 0 - 10/0 - 25 cm


Bulk density (g∙m3): 0 - 10/0 - 25 cm


Total soil organic carbon (kg∙ha1): 0 - 10/0 - 25 cm


Total inert soil organic carbon (kg∙ha1):

0 - 10/0 - 25 cm


Soil pH: 0 - 10/0 - 25 cm


Available water (AW) at field capacity (mm):

0 - 10/0 - 25 cm


Water content at saturation (%): 0 - 10/0 - 25 cm

47.21 (AW = 29.51 mm)/45.56 = 113.87 mm (AW = 71.17)

Water content at field capacity (%): 0 - 10/0 - 25 cm

40.39 (AW = 22.69 mm)/38.97 = 97.43 mm (AW = 54.73 mm)

Water content at wilting point (%): 0 - 10/0 - 25 cm

17.70 (=17.70 mm)/17.08 = 42.7 mm

Initial NH4 and NO3 (kg∙N∙ha1): 0 - 10/0 - 25 cm

2.8/6.9 and 9.5/23.17

Annual atmospheric N deposition (kg∙ha1)


Slope (%) and water table depth (cm)

0.004% from vertical and 240

Depth of impermeable layer (cm) and drainage class

>150 and High

Inputs and management practices

Land use

Spring barley (var. Tavern or Quench)

Date of previous crop harvested


Type and depth of tillage practices

Conventional (22 - 25 cm)

Date of tillage practices (ploughed and light till)

19/02/04 and 25/03/04; 09/03/05 and 14/03/05; 10/03/06 and 19/03/06; 24/02/07 and 18/03/07; 22/02/08 and 19/03/08; 18/02/09 and 18/03/09; 02/03/10 and 08/03/10; 02/03/11 and 08/03/11

Date of sowing

26/03/04; 16/03/05; 20/03/06; 21/03/07; 20/03/08; 19/03/09; 09/03/10; 09/03/11

Residue incorporation

3.0 t∙DM∙ha1(1.32 t∙C∙ha1), chopped and left on the field; incorporated during

tillage operation only

Type of N fertilizer

Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN)

Number of fertilizer application

2003-04: 1; 2005-11: 2

Fertilizer N rates (kg∙N∙ha1)

2003: 140; 2004: 0 and 140; 2005: 0 and 159 (106 + 53); 2006: 0 and 140 (90 + 50); 2007-2011: 0 and 135 (67.5 + 67.5)

Date of fertilizer application

27/04/04; 12/04/05 and 10/05/05; 12/04/06 and 11/05/06; 20/04/07 and 10/05/07; 16/04/08 and 15/05/08; 21/04/09 and 22/05/09; 13/04/10 and 07/05/10; 04/04/11 and 10/05/11

Date of harvest

17/08/03; 17/08/04; 09/08/05; 09/08/06; 17/07/07; 22/08/08; 12/08/09; 06/08/10; 14/08/11