1: Compute the constant satisfying (7).

2: Determine and satisfying (10). Compute constant defined by (17).

3: Compute constants, , , , defined by (26), (28), (30) and (68) respectively.

4: Determine the first positive integer which satisfies (43).

5: Determine the first positive integer which satisfies (40).

6: Determine approaches of the -first roots of Equation (18) each one in the interval, , joint the approximation of the additional solution if condition (19) holds.

7: Compute for, and determine satisfying (53).

8: Compute, , and defined by (63), (64) and (68) respectively.

9: Compute defined by (70)

10: Check that approximations satisfy (71). Otherwise return to step 6 and calculate approximations more precisely.

11: Compute satisfying (77).

12: Compute approximations of matrices, for so that the error in each one approach is less than.

13: Compute functions, , defined by (45).

14: Compute vectors, , defined by (46). If, compute defined by (24).

15: Compute the approximation defined by (75).