Audience category




Not famous or related users on Twitter who follow a celebrity and often send tweets to him or her.

“@bythecee1 disagree. I think she has a gift for helping people heal.” (By Oprah Winfrey)


Users on Twitter whom the celebrity knows and with whom s/he has a bond of mutual affection and who are not celebrities.

“@Jennifer CAspen Honey! I’m so proud/happy for you!” (By Chris Colfer)


Users on Twitter who are blood relations to the celebrity.

“Happy 21st birthday @jamielynns pears-love you and miss you! Xxoo” (by Britney Spears)


Users on Twitter who are famous, well-known, command a great degree of public fascination and are verified by Twitter.

“@ParisHilton Thanks Paris for the video! Your new car is so Hot! Xxoo” (by Britney Spears)


No specific user. Aimed to a general, generic or universal audience.

“Happy Easter to everyone!” (by Shaquille O’Neal)