
Vehicle autonomy

PSQA autonomy definition

PSQA autonomy examples


No automation.

No computer aided operations.

Point dose measurements for verification of electron or 3D plans using an ionization chamber or diode.


Driver assistance.

Human operations with computer assistance.

Computer aided measurements using PSQA devices with significant human involvements. This is the current practice.


Partial driving automation.

Automated operations of the departmental computers that allow open access to OS.

Manual operations on departmental computers are automated, e.g. plan preparation and export in the treatment planning system, patient open/close on the R&V system and plan export to LINAC for QA delivery…


Conditional automation.

Automated operations of vendor computers that don’t allow open access to OS.

Manual operations on the VARIAN computer controlling the LINAC are automated, e.g. open/close patient plans, treatment parameters updates...


High automation.

Automated operations of all devices except in-room detector/phantom setups.

Manual operations on the Varian control console (e.g. treatment preparation, beam on/off…) are automated.


Fully automated driving.

Fully automated PSQA.

In-room detector/phantom setups are automated.