Imitation Learning

Trial and Error Learning

Autonomous Learning

Government Interference Approaches

1) Helping targetedly followed clearing family status

2) Promoting employment

3) Promoting combination of vocational training

1) Urging enterprises to focus on training, and to empower the locals

2) Encouraging the locals to cooperate with foreign enterprises

1) Encouraging impoverished population to engage in subcontracting business

2) Supporting the poor to start up businesses, and to plan tourism business initiatively

Contents of Knowledge Transfer

1) Strictly limited scope

2) Roughly restricted content

1) Roughly limited scope

2) Unrestricted content

1) Unlimited scope

2) Unrestricted content

Basic Learning Methods

Single-loop learning

Limited double-loop learning

Double-loop learning

Roles of Migrant Workers

Professional mentors and skills demonstrator

Consultants and troubleshooters

Advisers, Discussants

Learning Ability

Passively accepting the specified operation knowledge and mphasizing on behavior imitation

Learning initiatively management knowledge within a limited range and training analytical skills through trial and error

Learning initiatively knowledge of management and decision-making

Professional Ability

Being qualified to deal with basic operational work, or simple supporting business

Being qualified to carry out a part of supervisory and technical works, or set up small business independently

Being qualified to carry out most of supervisory works or operate small tourism enterprises independently

Compensation Gap


Narrowed, but still with some distance

Insignificant, some beyond the average

Socioeconomic Status

Exposing preliminarily to market economy, income improved slightly, and not completely out of poverty

Integrating into market economy gradually, income improved significantly, and about to out of poverty

Integrated into the market economy and culture essentially, income improved continuously and out of poverty