


Ocular Caruncle

Region at the inner angle of the eye

Face/Bridge of Nose

Region on the anterior surface of the head, between the forehead and the nostrils

Jaw/Masseter Muscle Region

Region on the lateral surfaces of the head, with the masseter muscle

The Corner of the Mouth

The point where the lips meet at the corner of the mouth

Neck/Trapezius Muscle Region

Muscle near the upper border of the neck, near the base (1-upper edge of neck; 2-withers; 3-midpoint of base of neck).

Neck/Brachiocephalicus Muscle Region

Muscle near the lower border of the neck, and dorsal to the jugular groove.

Barrel/Costal Arches

Region referring to the costal arches (1-elbow; 2-stifle; 3-point of hip)


Midpoint between the point of hip and the stifle