
A Rank

B Rank

C Rank

S—Safety and environmental effects

Failure would cause significant environmental issues in circumferential place

Failure would cause some safety and environmental issues in circumferential place

Failure would cause no safety or environmental issues in circumferential place

Q—Quality and revenue

Failure would cause abnormal product to be produced or significantly affect revenue

Failure would cause quality variation or affect revenue slightly

Failure would affect neither quality nor revenue

W—Working (operating) condition

24 hours working

7 to 14 hours working

irregular, working only

A—Delay factor (opportunity) condition

Failure would shut down the entire factory

Failure would shut down relevant system only

Stand-by unit available/more economical to wait for failure and then repair

P—Period (failure interval)

Frequent stops (every six months or more)

sporadic stops (approximately once a year)

Very hard for any stops (less than once a year)


Repair time: 4 hours or more

Repair cost: over 2400 USD

Repair time: 1 - 4 hours

Repair cost: 400 - 2400 USD

Repair time: less than 1 hour

Repair cost: less than 400 USD