Attribute used

Attribute information


The patient’s gender represented in binary form.

Male = 1, Female = 0.


The patient’s age in years.

Range → 29 years: 77 years.

Chest pain type (CP)

Chest pain.

Range → 1:4

1 → Typical angina, 2 → Atypical angina

3 → Nonanginal Pain, 4 → No pain.

Resting blood pressure (Rest BP)

The patient's resting blood pressure, in (mm Hg), admitted in hospital.

Range → 94:200

Serum cholesterol (Chol.)

Serum cholesterol, in (mg/dl).

Range → 120:154

Fasting blood sugar (FBS)

The patient’s fasting blood sugar, it is higher than 120 mg/dl →

True = 1, False = 0.

Resting electrocardiographic results (Rest ECG)

The patient’s resting electrocardiography records. Range → 0:2.

0 → Normal.

1 → ST-T wave abnormality.

2 → Probable or definite left ventricular hypertrophy.

Maximum heart rate achieved (HR)

The patient’s maximum heart rate achieved.

Range → 71:202

Exercise induced angina (Exang.)

Exercise induced angina, binary.

1 → Yes, 0 → No.

Old peak (OP)

ST depression induced by exercise, relative to the rest.

Range → 0:6.2

Slope of peak exercise ST segment (Slope)

Measure the slope for peak exercise.

Range → 1:3.

1 → Up sloping, 2 → Flat, 3 → Down sloping.

Number of major vessels colored by fluoroscopy (CA)

The number of major vessels colored by fluoroscopy.

Range → 0:3, (value is related to the darkness of the color).

Thallium scan (Thal.)

Thallium heart Scan of the patient, (3, 6, 7).

3 → Normal, 6 → Fixed defect, 7 → Reversible defect.

Target (TRT)

Diagnosis of heart disease (angiographies disease status).

0 → Absence of heart disease.

1 → Presence of heart disease.