
Predictive variables

Taper rate

Path length from lignotuber, main root’s circumference, main root’s diameter, main root’s cross-sectional area

Main root length

Cumulative frequency, path length from lignotuber, main root’s cross-sectional area

Σ (Fork’s distal-end cross-sectional areas)

Fork’s prox-end cross-sectional area

Fork length

Fork’s prox-end cross-sectional area

Fork mass

Fork’s prox-end cross-sectional area, fork length, number of main roots resulting from the fork

Probability of branching

Main root length, main root diameter, main root cross-sectional area, path length from lignotuber

Number of root branches

Main root length, main root diameter, main root cross-sectional area, path length from lignotuber

Root branch prox-end diameter

Main root cross-sectional area, main root’s prox-end diameter