

Category 1

Student’s perception on clinic tutorship specialty.

1.1 Accompaniment from expert to novice

1.2 Accompaniment to link theory with practice

1.3 Integral guide (educational, administrative, and emotional)

Category 2

Competences promoted by clinic tutorship according to student’s experience.

2.1 Recognizing abilities, opportunity fields, and empathy

2.2 Leadership, inquiry in observation, and general discipline

2.3 Responsibility, creativity, and confidence

2.4 Ability to listen, autonomy, team work

Category 3

Experiences about clinic tutorship planning.

3.1 Organization of clinic tutorship is favored if the mentor has theoretical and practical knowledge on the specialty and in the discipline

3.2 Planning must include opening to solve doubts

3.3 Work overload lessen planning by the clinic tutor

Category 4

Challenges faced by the student in the evaluation of clinic tutorship.

4.1 Evaluation criteria not precise

4.2 Lack of opportune feedback

4.3 Chronic exhaustion

4.4 Double shift (student and worker)

4.5 Lack of time to complete the requested work

Category 5

Opportunity fields in clinic tutorship from students’ experiences.

5.1 Unification of specialty programs

5.2 Identification of significant learning

5.3 Planning teaching times

5.4 Adequate distribution to attend students

5.5 Development of management skills

5.6 Development of didactic competences

5.7 Strategies to adapt in emergency situations

5.8 Integral evaluation for each student

5.9 Planning the times for evaluation