Objective level

Criteria level

Sub-criteria level

Sub-sub-criteria level

Prioritizing road safety performance indicators

Road user behavior

w1 = 0.65

Alcohol e11 = 0.60

Roadside police alcohol tests f111 = 0.40

Driving above legal alcohol limit f112 = 0.60

Seat belt e12 = 0.40

Seat belt wearing in front seats f121 = 0.70

Seat belt wearing in rear seats f122 = 0.30

Vehicle w2 = 0.35

Occupant protection for cars e21 = 0.30

Occupant protection for cars f211 = 1.00

Pedestrian protection for cars e22 = 0.20

Pedestrian protection for cars f221 = 1.00

Renewal rate of passenger cars e23 = 0.40

Renewal rate of passenger cars f231 = 1.00

Age of passengercars e24 = 0.10

Age of passenger cars, f241 = 1.00