Complication Type

Complication Name

Preventative Measure(s)

Type I


・ Strictly monitor the cases with glaucoma.

・ Control inflammation postoperatively.

・ Be careful with pigment dispersion.

・ Control the haemorrhage.

・ Clean the viscoelastic agents well.

Type II

Primary graft failure

・ Do not use cornea with abnormal donor endothelium.

・ Be careful not to cause incorrect corneal stroge.

・ Make sure that surgical trauma is minimum.

Type III

Graft rejection


Type IV

Infectious keratitis and suture abscesses

・ Cure keratitis sicca, blepharitis, acne rosacea, cicatricial conjunctival disease, trichiasis and trachoma during the preoperative period.

・ Make sure that instruments, solutions, donor tissue and/or storage media does not contaminate during the intraoperative period.

・ If epithelial defects or severe punctate keratopathy exists, cure it postoperatively.

・ Make sure that exposed or loose sutures does not happen.

・ Be careful with the hygiene if contact lens are used.

・ Carefully follow-up the graft failure development.

・ Carefully observe the patients with previous herpetic keratitis.

・ Carefully follow-up the patients with atopic disease, systemic immuno-suppression, diabetes, rheumatoid disease.

・ Avoid extensive tissue manipulation.

・ Be careful while administering corticosteroids.

Type V

Posterior capsule opafication


Type VI

Anterior synechiae

・ If synechial formation occurs,control the inflammation.

Type VII

Cystoid macular edema

・ Be careful that vitreous corneal touch does not occur.

・ Make sure that vitreous incarceration in the wound does not happen.

・ Make sure that choronic intraocular inflammation is under control.

・ Be very careful that photic damage from the surgical microscope does not happen.


Persistent epithelial defects

・ Make sure that the predisposing factors are treated before performing penetrating keratoplasty.

・ Use only donor tissue that has excellent epithelium.

・ Careful tissue handling is necessary.

・ Avoid excessive irrigation.

・ Keep the epithelium hydrated by isoelastic agents during the intraocular procedure.

Type IX

Corneal abscess

・ Make sure about sterilization and hygiene.

・ Treat the eye and eyelid infections preoperatively.

Type X

Wound leaks and iris tissue prolapse

・ Carefully examine before completing the surgical procedure.

・ Avoid brunts after the surgery.

Type XI

Acute choroidal detachment

・ Be careful with elderly patients.

・ Make sure that intraocular pressure is under control.

・ Avoid performing intraoperative valsalva maneuvers.

・ Regulate the systemic hypertension.

・ Be careful with patients having myopia.