Textbook version

Location and Chapter Design

People’s Education edition

Chapter 12: Electrical Energy The Law of Conservation of Energy §12.4 Energy and sustainable development

Luke edition

Chapter VI. Energy and sustainable development Introduction Development of new energy sources

§6.1 The many forms of energy

§6.2 Transformation and conservation of energy

§6.3 Cherish nature

Shanghai Science and Education edition

Chapter VI. Energy and sustainable development

§6.1 Transformation and conservation of energy

§6.2 Energy use and environmental pollution

§6.3 Energy development and environmental protection

§ 6.4 Energy conservation, resource protection and sustainable development

Guangdong edition

Chapter V. Electricity and sustainable development of energy sources

§5.2 How energy is utilized

§5.3 Transformation and conservation of energy

§5.4 Energy and Environment

Education science edition

Chapter IV. Energy and sustainable development

§4.1 Energy The law of conservation of energy

§4.2 Energy

§4.3 Environmental protection and sustainable development

Shanghai Science and Technology edition

Chapter XII. Energy and sustainable development

§12.1 Energy and its Applications

§12.2 Transformation of energy

§12.3 Energy and Environment