
Source of Data

Political development in Sierra Leone (2000-2019)

Books, Government of Sierra Leone publications, literature, textbooks, articles, and reports on political development in Sierra Leone.

Economic development in Sierra Leone

Literature, textbooks, articles, and reports on economic development in Sierra Leone.

Poverty reduction strategies (2000-2019)

Literature, textbooks, articles, and reports on poverty and Sierra Leone.

Influence of aid:

- Economic development

- Poverty reduction

- Institutional development

Official documents on aid and development of the Government of Sierra Leone, literature on aid from bilateral and multilateral institutions, literature, textbooks, articles, and reports on foreign aid, development, and Sierra Leone. Web documents relating to the research topic also serve as an integral component of data for this study.

Drivers of economic change:

- Human capital

- Natural resources

- Institutions

Literature, textbooks, articles, and reports on development in Sierra Leone.